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Blog: Blog2

Delays to our plans

So, Sue and I worked hard last week disinfecting every inch of our room, every toy, every table, chair, surface, wall... I think we have absorbed so much disinfectant, we will be smelling it for weeks to come.

We also made up some creative activity bags that we were hoping to deliver to all the children who come to our sessions.

Unfortunately, my husband and I have developed a cough so it would seem we have to delay things and self isolate. I don't want to put any one in danger or take any risks. Once we have isolated for the time that the government specify, we wil deliver each pack to your doorsteps. We will not come in contct with you, we will be following social distancing rules.

In the meantime, we'll be giving you all a call to see how you are getting on.

Please tell the children we are miising them and will be in touch soon.

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