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Stay up to date with what's going on at BENS 

We’re committed to helping our families every step of the way and providing useful services to take care of all their needs.
We’re constantly growing and expanding our service options, so if you have something in mind that we don’t yet provide, we’d love to hear about it.



Let's stay in touch

As of last night, we have all been told to stay inside and practise social distancing unless we urgently need to leave the house for medication or food supplies.

This may be extremely difficult for some of you as well as finding things to keep your children occupied is also difficult.

BENS groups would like to offer virtual sessions. We will be putting together activitiy packs, which will contain one activity per week for the next 17 weeks.

We will label them with the corresponding week so that we can all stay on the same activity and then we can share our pictures and videos through the BENS FB page. 

We are also setting up a private BENS Parent group page for you to share tips, experiences and advice with each other. We will be able to help each other stay solution focused and remember growth mindset and resilience attitudes. We will get through this if we have the support of our friends and family.


School closures & exam update

We are now aware that schools will be closed for the foreseeable future and that means we will also be closed until further notice. It's with great sadness that we have to stop our sessions but we all need to observe social distancing and take care of our families.
We will be in touch very soon with ideas on how we can stay in touch with each other through BENS.
Please let us know what you have been up to and share your ideas, after all the BENS groups run with the help of the children and we would like to continue this even though we will not be coming together as a group.
To those of you who have had you exams cancelled, I know this must be a very confusing time and over the next few days we should find out how we go forward with results and college entries.
Please, please, please keep teenagers in too. I know this is a big ask but some people may not show symptoms and they carry it to other's who could become extremely poorly.
Take care of eachother, stay safe and stay at home as much as you possibly can.

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NEWS: Services

BENS Youth and Community Groups CIC

Tel: 07958 100 433

First floor, 24 Church Green East, Redditch, B98 8DE

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©2018 by BENS Youth & Community Groups CIC. 

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